
Showing posts from January, 2023

Elizabeth II: White Supremacist, Racist, Nazi

This image is absolutely wild, and I think the Sun's watermark over the top only adds to how truly British this image of the Queen doing the Nazi salute is. Elizabeth II, would I will not address as 'Queen,' died in 2022. Her death signified the end of an era: an era of colonialism, racism, and white supremacy. Whilst white supremacist and racist ideals still permeate our society, and the effects of colonialism can still be felt around the world, the Queen signified a privilege and right to the racism that I hope died with her. I won't say her death made me happy, but it certainly didn't make me sad. Here's why I won't mourn the Queen. The hagiographic fairytales of the Queen's life are lies - they represent a disgusting colonial desire to cover up the history of black oppression that Britain is built upon. As noted Sri Lankan Academic and Author Indrajit Samarajiva wrote: The British Empire were just Nazis that won. Their greatest victory is that their

The Israel-Palestine Solution?

The Israel-Palestine conflict is an incredibly complex issue at the intersection of religion, politics, sociology, and economics - an ever-evolving affair that is both multifaceted and extremely hard to comprehend, let alone attempt to resolve. I apologise if this month's instalment is the Frankie Robinson anthology is a little downbeat, the conflict is an incredibly serious topic that I am very passionate about. This article is not supposed to be non-partisan or non-biased - I have bias that is very obvious: I'm pro-Israel, I identify as a Zionist, I observe rabbinical and Talmudic scripture on the topic, and I am ever aware of the conflict mostly from the view of Israeli media, and Jewish news outlets. There are plenty of very compelling pro-Palestine arguments in the aether, and I'll be pushing for one of our own writers to release a contrasting piece on the topic, to balance me out. With that out of the way, let's begin.      An Israeli and Palestinian flag hang, s