
Showing posts from November, 2022

Subtle Misinformation: The Joys of Modern Transphobia

Hatred  isn't a feeling I'm often attracted to, but when reading the disgusting, transphobic,   hateful  rhetoric of J.K. Rowling, Helen Joyce, and Germaine Greer it's hard not to reflect a little of the hate they radiate.                                                   Germaine  Greer (kinda slaying.) I was watching a clip from the British TV show  Good Morning Britain , ironically this evening, in which the presenters (Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid) are discussing J.K. Rowling's (at the time) new, allegedly transphobic, tweet, which read: 'People who menstruate.' I'm sure there used to be a word foor those people. Somebody help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woodmud? Isn't that a jolly little thing to laugh about! J.K. has observed that the woke left is using accurate terminology for, literally, people who menstruate, and she's decided that's bad because she's a transphobe. Anyways they've invited fellow bigot, Professor Kathleen Stock to s