
Showing posts from October, 2022

Deviance, Dahmer, and Death

There  have been six dramatisations of Jeffery Dahmer's murders since 1993:   The Secret Life: Jeffery Dahmer  (1993),   Dahmer  (2002),   Raising Jeffery Dahmer  (2006)(2008),   The Jeffery Dahmer Files  (2008),   My Friend Dahmer  (2017), and finally Netflix's   Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffery Dahmer Story  (2022). They could be better at coming up with original titles, couldn't they? Or original concepts, come to think of it. It's almost like they're not adding anything, just recycling content to profit off death.                Evan Peters as 2022's Dahmer. True crime dominates the media market, polluting each corner of the internet with the depraved need for gory and gruesome details of  actual  crimes, involving real people. Where has this need come from? Is true crime as a genre ethical? How can true crime content normalise and even romanticise deviance?  On the 21st of September, 2022, Netflix released their self-produced  Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dah