
Showing posts from February, 2022

Pussy Riot: Performance, Protest, and Politics

Imprisoned persecuted, and exiled from their home country, Pussy riot has been through a lot. They're a Russian 'feminist-punk' band who have been enemies of the Russian establishment for decades.  How do you picture the perfect leader / Who do you want him to be / Has he promoted the use of torture and killing families? / Did your mama come from Mexico? / Papa come from Palestine / Sneaking all through Syria / Crossing all the border lines / Let other people in / Listen to your women / Stop killing black children / Make America Great Again That's Pussy Riot in 2016, a full 2 weeks before Trump's election.           Pussy Riot in Moscow. In 2012, they entered the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow and climbed to the Cathedral's soleus, where they performed (or attempted to perform) a song entitled 'Mother of God, Drive Putin Away!' The performance lasted only 40 seconds before security threw the five women out of the building. The recording of thi