
Showing posts from January, 2022

The Dreyfus Affair - Analysing Antisemitism

1894, Paris. Captain Alfred Dreyfus of the French Army is accused of handing top-secret military documents to members of the Imperial German military.  An investigation by the French army had found damning evidence against Dreyfus, the worst being a letter to the German military attache in Paris penned in Dreyfus' own handwriting.  But why would Dreyfus commit such a crime? He was a wealthy man from a prominent family, with no need for the alleged payoffs from the German Empire. He reportedly loved France and enjoyed serving his nation in the army. Dreyfus himself refused to confess, adamant he had done nothing wrong. Although France wasn't convinced, they believed Dreyfus was a liar. But why?                              Alfred Dreyfus. Well, Dreyfus was a Jew.  Whilst Dreyfus sat in jail awaiting his trial, France's right-wing newspapers got a hold of the story and used it as a catalyst for their already popular anti-semitism. One of France's biggest talking points i