
Showing posts from November, 2021

Single-Sex Schools, Segregation, and Stereotyping

For  years, single-sex education has been hailed as a bastion of reason, with parents across incomes scrambling to send their little one to  The X School for Boys  or  The X School for Girls . For years, the public image of single-sex schools has gone pretty untarnished, with little thought (by parents) on the effects of segregatory, sexist, and exclusionary education.            Eton College, the original old boys club. Firstly, single-sex schools promote gender stereotyping. In 'the west' (a concept I generally dislike) we live in a very gendered society - dictating how boys and girls should act. You've heard it all before, it's nothing new: girls play with dolls and like pink, and boys wrestle in the mud and like cars. Now just imagine how easy it must be to fall into gendered stereotypes surrounded only by others following the same set of societal rules. Even if, as a girl, you don't like dolls and hate pink, the appearance that everyone else likes it (even if t